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Auxetic polyurethane foam

Foam is necessary because of the force exerted on it, Auxetic polyurethane foam just doesn't compress as normal. Stretching in weird ways but it has definitely helped me guard covering an insane amount of ground. If you stretch it then the band can thin out or fray if pinched. It should not be surprising that since graphene is cool in so many ways then there are indeed countless ways to use it, which means everyone on the planet seems want some. 

Auxetic PU foam has this cool structure you see, unlike normal material it stretches weirdly. The problem is, after awhile there and extended usage most things such as rubber or plain foam tears up to the point of thickness when it first used. Auxetic foam however is special and extraordinary. Stretched out, the fabric is more of a weighty mood than a lightweight dance; it does not feel thin and nylon-like. What gives Haohai expanding foam this exotic feature is that none other foams can attain, It has increased versatility and longevity than any of its kind to live a longer lifespan under even the harshest circumstances.  

Why auxetic foam is the material of the future

Its high performance Auxetic foam will apply in multiple applications and life. Haohai filler foam protective pads for athletes, medic devices that save or less keep us alive doing just such. Its inventors believe it is a hugely exciting material that can be used for all manner of applications, thanks to the way it stretches and flexes. 

Why choose Haohai Auxetic polyurethane foam?

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