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Waterproof closed cell foam

What appears to be waterproof material is, in fact, close cell foam — keeping water out and your body insulated from the wet. This beautiful foam is usually used for fun water activities such as swimming, diving as well plays games in the water. Not only is   Haohai expanding foam filler  an effective seal, but it also serves as a wicking element for in outdoor gear and tools (such as those near water or that may be exposed to moisture) which tells you when more lube should be reapplied by no longer being dry. 

Stay Dry and Safe with Waterproof Closed Cell Foam

You need to be safe and stay dry when‎ happy hours are created in the water. A handful of high-quality polyester pads for example Sea to Summit and Nemo Equipment, provide a good middle ground with some cushioning in similar amounts like your REI Camp Dreamer. You will not sink into them as much but they would still be heavier than air SPF. Self-inflating or you can blow these as well just like an air mattress. The Haohai expanding foam insulation  are colder than normal inflation due wake of insulation, so require hardier ground covering in some cases (e. g. below the fully enclosed ones) also perform similar for water resistant if covered under any waterproof over yours too. 

Why choose Haohai Waterproof closed cell foam?

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